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"Igor Radusinović"
A QoS-aware Dual Crosspoint Queued Switch with Largest Weighted Occupancy First Scheduling Algorithm (2015-01)
G. Gardasevic, S. Divanovic, M. Radonjic, I. Radusinovic, A QoS-aware Dual Crosspoint Queued Switch with Largest Weighted Occupancy First Scheduling Algorithm, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. E98-B, No. 01, pp. 01 - 08, Jan, 2015 -
Dynamic Weighted Round Robin In Crosspoint Queued Switch (2013)
S. Divanović, M. Radonjić, G. Gardašević, I. Radusinović, Dynamic Weighted Round Robin In Crosspoint Queued Switch, Proc. of the 21st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 109 - 112, 2013 -
Analiza maksimalnog kašnjenja koje unosi CQ komutator pri bursty dolaznom saobraćaju (2013-03)
S. Divanović, M. Radonjić, G. Gardašević, I. Radusinović, Analiza maksimalnog kašnjenja koje unosi CQ komutator pri bursty dolaznom saobraćaju, Proc. of XII International Scientific - Professional Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2013, Vol. 12, pp. 460 - 463, Mar, 2013 -
Performance Analysis of Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Switch with Weighted Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm under Unbalanced Bursty Traffic (2013-07)
S. Divanovic, M. Radonjic, G. Gardasevic, I. Radusinovic, Performance Analysis of Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Switch with Weighted Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm under Unbalanced Bursty Traffic, Proc. of the Eighteen IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2013), Split, Croatia, Jul, 2013 -
Performance Evaluation of Dual Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Packet Switch (2013-10)
N. Maletic, S. Divanovic, M. Radonjic, I. Radusinovic, G. Gardasevic, Performance Evaluation of Dual Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Packet Switch, 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS ‘13), Niš, Serbia, pp. 145 - 148, Oct, 2013 -
An Overview of Internet of Things Architectural Frameworks, Design Issues and Application Domains; 4th Annual CTIF-SEE Workshop, Budva, Montenegro (2015-09)
G. Gardašević, M. Veletic, N. Maletic, I. Radusinovic, M. Radonjic, An Overview of Internet of Things Architectural Frameworks, Design Issues and Application Domains; 4th Annual CTIF-SEE Workshop, Budva, Montenegro, Sep, 2015 -
A new approach to dynamic routing in SDN networks; MELECON 2016, THE 18th IEEE MEDITERRANEAN ELECTROTECHNICAL CONFERENCE , Limassol, Cyprus (2016-04)
S. Tomovic, N. Lekic, G. Gardašević, I. Radusinovic, A new approach to dynamic routing in SDN networks; MELECON 2016, THE 18th IEEE MEDITERRANEAN ELECTROTECHNICAL CONFERENCE , Limassol, Cyprus, Apr, 2016 -
Ćelijsko pozicioniranje u složenim propagacionim uslovima primjenom unaprijeđene metode optimizacije rojem čestica (2025)
The IoT Architectural Framework, Design Issues and Application Domains (2017-01)
G. Gardašević, M.Veletić, N. Maletić, D. Vasiljević, I. Radusinovć, S. Tomović, M. Radonjić, The IoT Architectural Framework, Design Issues and Application Domains, WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 92, No. 1, pp. 127 - 148, Jan, 2017 -
Scheduling Algorithms with QoS Support for Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Switch (2013-02)
S. Divanović, M. Radonjić, I. Radusinović, N. Maletić, M. Veletić, D. Kosić, G. Gardašević, Scheduling Algorithms with QoS Support for Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Switch, Zbornik radova INFORMACIONE TEHNOLOGIJE - IT 2013, Žabljak, Montenegro, pp. 153 - 156, Feb, 2013